download Orphan.2009 free Xvid Dvd Rip
RLS.DATE :24 July 2009 USA
GENRE :Drama Horror Mystery Thriller
PLOT:A husband and wife who recently lost their baby adopt a 9-year-old girl who is not nearly as innocent as she claims to be.
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Orphan is unlike any of the Creepy Kid movies you’ve been inundated with over the years…
Actually, it’s a lot like the Creepy Kid movies you know backwards and forwards, except Orphan’s much, much better. Yes, the trailer feels overly familiar, and to an extent the movie is, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t have good gory fun with it.
There’s something wrong with Esther- That’s putting it mildly
You’ll never guess her secret- You might, but I didn’t, and nothing about it is a cheat. It’s one of those reveals where you watch the movie a second time or play it back in your head in a whole new light and you realize Esther’s more fucked up that you initially thought.
Orphan also shows why it helps to have REAL actors in your movie instead of 20-something dinner theater rejects from the CW or some producer’s cousin. I can only imagine how less grounded in reality the movie would have been had it not headlined Vera Farmiga and Mr. Maggie Gyllenhaal Peter Sarsgaard, who’ve worked with Academy Award winning Directors Martin Scorsese, the late Anthony Minghella and Sam Mendes. Can you think of any of the “actors” who’ve starred in the recent batch of PG-13 Hot Topic/Hot Dog on a Stick Curfew-before-11 Mall horror who would even get a reading with these real filmmakers?
Neither can I….Except for Alison Lohman, lest I conveniently forget that Drag me to Hell worked despite the normally fecal PG-13 Tag.
John and Kate Coleman (Sarsgaard and Farmiga) are your typical married-with-children couple, and like most couples in horror movies, they have their share of problems that any antagonist will more than likely exploit. John…and Kate???? Where have we all ignored those names in conjunction before?
John cheated on Kate abut 10 years ago. It’s been forgiven, but never really forgotten. Probably because Kate etched it on her wedding ring and had it tattooed on her back because as we find out later in the movie, Kate likes it doggie style so it’s just a friendly reminder during coitus.
Kate is a recovering alcoholic. A while ago she gave birth to a stillborn child which the Colemans named Jessica (I’m guessing that was before she was born dead, because I can’t fathom looking at a newly delivered stillborn child and thinking “She looks just like a Jessica”). After about 3 days they finally buried her because she was dead and no amount of spanking would enable her to take her first breath and dead fetuses just take up too much space in the fridge.Kate still has nightmares about Dead Jessica, boy does she ever (“It’s a GIRL!!!”).
It’s enough to make a person want to start drinking…but that’s probably not a good idea, especially for Kate.
Good thing the Coleman family has kids that AREN’T dead, at least by the beginning of the movie. There’s-
Daniel (Jimmy Bennett) - He’s a boy and his only character trait is that he’s another potential victim. Seriously, they should have just made this kid black and sown in big red targets on all his clothes.
Max (Aryana Engineer- a last name that hopefully doesn’t diminish future prospects) - She’s the youngest living Coleman daughter and she’s deaf. Gee, I wonder if this will play an important part during the movie. Much like someone introduced with asthma will be wheezing during the last 10 minutes while reaching for the inhaler that’s like, 3 feet away.
Gary- he is black, but nobody really cares about what he does anymore.
But the Coleman’s have a lotta love to give, and what better way to spread that love than to adopt a sinister child? Okay, there are probably many better ways, but the Colemans choose adoption. With the proper paperwork filled out, there’s less chance of adopting a stillborn baby.
Remember the cheating and dead baby thing from the beginning? About 100 minutes from the opening crawl, those will forever be known as part of The Good Old Days.
The Colemans go to an orphanage to adopt an older child, because it’s implausible for adopted infants to become killers right off the bat. They look around and see little girls and boys all enjoying a barbecue, but none of them strikes a chord because they are all apparently too normal and non-homicidal looking.
John goes to the bathroom and hears a little girl singing and sees that the source of the sweet voice is a 9-year old girl named Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman, from that dreadful Dakota Fanning-gets-raped movie Hounddog). She prefers to be alone and the supervising nun (CCH Pounder) describes her as “very mature.” She finds the orphanage boring. The other kids don’t like her because she’s “different.” I’m guessing that’s not the only reason the kids don’t like her, but the Colemans are taken in because part of their criteria is to “Find the Creepiest fucking kid possible.” Mission accomplished.
They find out that Esther is Russian and the previously family she lived with had their house burned to the ground arson-style, and Esther was the ONLY ONE to make it out alive. Yeah, but that could have happened to anyone and has absolutely nothing to do with us, they reason and adopt the little girl with the antiquated clothing and ringlets around her neck and wrists anyway.
Thus begins the happy sequence…
The Colemans take Esther home and she makes it a point to learn sign language so she can speak to her new deaf little sister. Daniel is wary of Esther because he’s jealous that his dad is spending time with the new addition to the family. Daniel doesn’t realize that dad’s probably just ignoring him because he’s trying to get used to the fact that Danny boy won’t be alive for much longer and is focusing his attention on the children that have a chance of making it. Kate is taken in and proceeds to teach Esther piano. John buys Esther an easel so she can paint and draw. John also measures Daniel for a burial suit and allowing potential renters to look around his room, which Daniel doesn’t mind because at least he’s getting some attention.
Happy sequence over, but not all at once. Little chinks in the Coleman armor are exposed, and somehow Esther always seems to be somewhere in the circle of happenstance.
-Kate is giving John head under the sheets. Esther notices and is more than a little peeved. Why so furious? Esther and Max proceed to spend the remainder of the night in bed with their parents (“The lightning scares us”). Esther makes it a point to sleep near John.
-Daniel shoots a bird, but it does not die. Max and Esther see. Esther tells Daniel to put the bird out of its misery. Daniel pussies out. Esther and a trusty rock do not. Max is probably glad she can’t hear the squish, though her eyes, and yours, work just fine.
-John and Kate have a tryst in the kitchen while the kids are sleeping…or so they think. Esther, of course, is watching. Kate tries to explain the birds and the bees. Esther doesn’t really need help with the bees and we’ve all seen what she does with birds (“I know…they fuck”).
-A peer who’s been picking on Esther accidentally “slips” off a slide and breaks her ankle. Max sees who pushed her, and covers for big sister.
These are just the more benign incidents as Kate begins to suspect that something isn’t right with Esther, and of course no one believes her because she’s a recovering alcoholic and Jessica is dead because of her, and maybe the kids are just too pit scared to say anything lest some measure of harsh retribution (“I’ll cut your hairless little prick off before you know what it’s for”) befall them. Like getting one’s hairless prick cut off, that sort of thing.
Maybe it’s all a big misunderstanding. Really it’s not though, and more people will die before the credits roll, but don’t let that stop you from adopting a needy kid with homicidal tendencies and a fear of dentists. They’re people too.
What works with Orphan-
1) Isabelle Fuhrman- Even if you hate the movie, you’re not likely to forget 12-year old Furman’s performance as little lethal Esther. She arrives with the same force that Kirsten Dunst did when she debuted in Interview with the Vampire, except without all that vampire-y whining. Esther would fuck little Claudia up, vampire or not. It’s one of those perfs that you have to watch twice to realize how good it is, simply because there’s not a moment where you disbelieve who and what she is. I’m being purposely vague there, but seeing her disintegrate and lash out is one of the movie’s great pleasures. And if you ever need some carpentry done, Esther’s shown that she’s pretty good with a hammer.
2) Sisterly love, Russian style…and by Russian, I mean Roulette.
3) That vice is a very crunchy way to get attention. I heard an audience member gag during this little part, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t faked.
4) Backseat Max in the Neutral Zone- this is why deaf children in horror movies probably isn’t a good idea.
5) Esther’s Blacklight art- such soothing pictures to sleep to.
6) Vera Farmiga- She gets the best written part of the movie and nails it with nary a misstep in work so good you’re shocked that it’s in a horror movie. Farmiga’s no stranger to creepy kids as she played Joshua’s mom in the unsettling but not really scary Joshua two years ago and has always been on the brink of stardom but never quite crossing over with roles in The Departed (her Departed co-star Leonardo DiCaprio is one of Orphan’s producers), last year’s excellent Nothing but the Truth, and her great work as a drug addict in Down to the Bone. Hopefully, enough people see how good she is in Orphan and she gets to be the lead in more pictures. We’ll try to forgive that she played ‘Mom’ in 2008’s worst movie, the Holoc-awful The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
What doesn’t work-
1) A little too many fake jump scares that feel out of place in a movie this good. It almost feels like they were added in during post because some numbnuts thought there wasn’t enough tension. Numbnuts was wrong.
2) Even for a standard husband in a horror movie, Peter Sarsgaard’s John is a little too obtuse to be allowed to live. Given about 500 reasons to be suspicious of Esther, John continues to maintain Esther’s innocence, which tests the believability quotient of even the most forgiving horror viewer to almost Slumdog standards. It’s about the male equivalent of a girl dressed in nothing but a towel going upstairs to investigate a strange noise.
3) An over-the-top climax, while not necessarily bad, is pretty standard and unworthy of the setup that precedes it, from the Voorhees-like ending(s), to a line uttered DIRECTLY from The Ring 2…which is not a good movie. At all.
Overall. If it weren’t for Drag me to Hell, Orphan would be the best horror movie of the summer, and even then it’s up for debate depending on what you’re in the horror mood for. The biggest surprise, other than how good it is, is that Orphan director Jaume Collet-Serra’s previous movie was that mongoloid remake of House of Wax from 2005, a film that hasn’t completely disappeared into Molly Hartley-like obscurity (yet) because it features Paris Hilton getting killed. We can only hope he makes more films like Orphan, and that HOW was the aberration. See Orphan, and be grateful your kids aren’t as demented as Esther…but if they are, you’d take care to crack a bottle right now, because at least you’ll be buzzed before you die